Shoretel blocking incoming number
Shoretel blocking incoming number

This prevents the filtering of calls on the basis of DNIS numbers not directly associated with the entity ultimately receiving the call. Workgroup and Hunt Group DNIS numbers are not propagated to members that answer group calls.

  • DNIS Match: This criterion is satisfied when the DNIS of the inbound call matches the specified number.
  • Day of week entries is based on the time zone setting of the site to which the user is assigned.
  • Day of week: This criterion is satisfied when the call is received on one of the specified days.
  • Time of day entries is based on the time zone setting of the site to which the user is assigned.
  • Time of day: This criterion is satisfied when the call is received during the specified time ranges.
  • Call Handling Mode: This criterion is satisfied when the user’s active Call Handling Mode matches the specified mode.
  • I am on the phone: This criterion is satisfied when the user’s phone is busy.
  • Ÿ Every external number – matches all calls originating from a device not located within the ShoreTel network. Ÿ Every internal number – matches all calls originating from a device within the ShoreTel network. Ÿ out of area / unknown – matches all calls that caller ID identifies as out of area or unknown. Ÿ private – matches all calls that are identified by caller ID as private. Ÿ any external extension starting with – user specifies the digits that must match the first digits of numbers originating from phone numbers external to the system. Ÿ any internal extension starting with – user specifies the digits that must match the first digits of numbers originating from internal callers. Ÿ off-system extension – user specifies the off-system extension that must match the caller ID.

    shoretel blocking incoming number

    Ÿ specific number – user specifies the number that must match the caller ID numbers can be internal extensions or phone numbers external to the system. Users can select one of the following match types: Users can specify a maximum of ten phone number match entries. The phone number match is satisfied when the caller ID of the inbound call is a subset of the specified match type. When a condition statement consists of multiple criteria, each criterion must be satisfied or the action is not performed.Ĭall Handling Rules defines the following six types of criteria The condition is the filtering criteria that determines if a corresponding call handling action is performed. Users specify the name when they create the rule. The name is the label by which Call Manager and Director refer to a call handling rule. The following sections describe call handling rule components. Three components comprise a call handling rule: Name, Condition, and Action. When the rule is active and the condition is satisfied, the action determines how the call is handled. This section describes the structure and call handling rules, followed by a discussion of creating a call routing plan from these rules.Ĭall handling rules define evaluation conditions and handling actions.

    shoretel blocking incoming number shoretel blocking incoming number

    The highest priority rule with conditions that are satisfied defines the handling method for the call.

    shoretel blocking incoming number

    The user’s inbound calls are evaluated against the call handling rules. The plan enables and prioritizes selected rules. The plan consists of call handling rules, each of which specifies a method of handling a call when a condition set is valid. Personalized Call Handling does not require administrator authorization for users assigned to these Call Manager types.Ī Call Routing Plan manages a user’s inbound voice calls. Personalized Call Handling is configured via the ShoreTel Communicator and is available to all system users that are authorized for the following Communicator Manager types: This is accomplished within the user’s Licensed Communicator This is on a user-by-user basis, not system-wide. ShoreTel Release 9 introduced “Personalized Call Handling” capabilities which allow individual users to block numbers based on Caller ID. Option 1: (Individual Basis) “Personalized Call Handling”


    ShoreTel Professional Services – Nuisances Call Handler.There are two options available for the ShoreTel system to block calls based on Caller ID. There are instances when users would like to Block Inbound Calls based on Caller ID and send them to voicemail.

    Shoretel blocking incoming number